sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2009
my bedroom
wonderful semester
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2009
The end of the semester
it was really, really nice to be with all of you this semester. I also had a lot of fun and learned from you. Thank you for being such wonderful people.
segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2009
2009.2 the best semester!
I Thank for mine team each moment wich passed, it were very important for mine growing.
I thank Adriana for her dedication in teaching and every gesture of affection.
I hope to meet everybody in the next semester.
Towards B intermediate.
A hug.
My Last Vacation
domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009
My Last Post....
I would especially like to say to Adriana that I love the way you teach, always fun, always encouraging us with your games ... it was really good....Thank you very much!
I wish luck to all!!!
P.S.: Rafa, Mila, Lary, Felipe, Alex and Tacísio ..... "é nóis" rsrsrsrsr
See you next semester!!!!

I was very nervous about the oral test because I don't like to talk in public...but I think that i had a perform well . I also liked a lot of other presentations, especially the de Camila's presentation..... Mila, take me to Dubai the next time? LOL !!!
day 14/11
day 28/11/2009.
The teacher will have less work, all postege are together
I could understand all the course!!!
I was in the country, Cruz das Almas, with my mother!!!
Fourth class (29/08)
This was my second class. It was very quiet.
I didn’t have difficulties.
The teacher is very nice, and the other students are fun
Fifth Class (05/09)
I liked this class, it was very good and fun.
The dynamic was very calm and fun too.
I did not feel difficulty, and I learned a lot
Sixth Class (12/09)
This class was very cool. I gave a lot of laughter.
The class with Adriana is very fun.
My partner in the game was Daniel, and we lost,
but the important thing is to compete.
The film was also very cool
Seventh Class (19/09)
Another teacher (Carol, I think) came to class on this day
She spoke very, very, very, very, very, very fast. I was crazy.
But, The class was fun, we played.
but I had difficulty
She taught the present perfect.
We missed Adriana.
Eighth Class (26/09)
My last vacation
There aren’t many options in my vacation. I will always go to the coutry. I am from Cruz das Almas. In July, I went to Cruz das Almas.
So, I sleep a lot, I was playing computer’s games, watched movies
and series. I watched Smallville, 3 seasons in a month. rsrsrsrsrsr
I missed everybory. And also the food of my mother.
All my family and many friends live there.
Ninth Class (03/10)
We did a lot exercio this day. The class was very productive.
When the teacher was talking, I felt difficulties
But I learned a lot.
Eleventh Class (17/10)
We made our first written text, it was really cool
My pair was Alex. We were very good.
The test was very easy.
Twelfth Class (24/10)
This class had the text of James Bond, I guess.
This activity was fun and cool.
We did a story about the pictures, was very interesting.
The teacher is very inteligent and very funny. Rsrsrs
Thirteenth Class (31/10)
A halowenn’s Game, dancing in the newspaper, it was great fun.
I danced with Larissa, she dances very well. Rsrsrrs
Rafael and eEufrásia was the winners, Rafael always win
My favorite Place in my house
My favorite place is my bedroom. I can study, sleep, listen to music.
In there, I can relax. Nobory can’t stress me.
It’s the best place in the world for me.
terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009
My last post

segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2009
Photo *-*
The teacher how always was creative and gave a "show" of class.
The review about the second test took some doubts that i had.

See you on sartuday!
sábado, 14 de novembro de 2009
sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009
and good saturday (I am not going to class tomorrow)
Helo Students!!!
Bie Students
terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009
tHe LaSt ClaSs

quinta-feira, 5 de novembro de 2009
last class
segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009
The Hallowen game
The Halloween is one of the most famous holidays in the U. S. It's on October 31.
sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2009
Helo Students!!!
I don´t have the talk the class why I like, my teacher is very polite and patiente.
Bie, until next class...
Last Saturday
The test was very cool.
I and Lorena wrote two text, one about two boys in a snack bar (conversation) and other about the man that lost the memory. Our history was very funny because we did something very differently and surprising.
good bye!
segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009
ThE lAsT cLaSs
sexta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2009
sábado, 17 de outubro de 2009
Written test
sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2009
quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009
the last class
sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009
Last Class
That so.
domingo, 4 de outubro de 2009
Last Class 03/10
The last class was good, I understood very well the Present perfect. Was good to make exercises too. Always is good to practice my english to make exercises bcz lately I've not had time for study english in th week.
sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2009
Last class!!!
I fell very dificultility in talk in english, I´m nervous.
Bie Teacher....
terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2009
Last Class
The explanation of the teacher Adriana about present perfect cleared a little more.
See you on Saturday!
sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009
I feel miss of the my vacations in camping. I remember that I got up very early and I saw the sunrise.
The wind is so hard in the camping, 'cause it stay in front of the beach.
It was very good to stay there. You eat when you are hungry. You sleep when you are sleepy.
You don't need worry. If you to think that is so boring, you can go to the beach. The beach is so near.
I want to camp in my next vacation. I'm going to prepare me for this, I'll wait for this.
And in the next vacation I'm going to take all my classmates to there. My tent has two bedrooms and one room.
Would it have space for all of us?
sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2009
I think that there wasn't post of the first class, when all of us know the teacher.
I was with a little shame, but after I feel better.
Second Class (15/08/2009)
In the last class, I tried to talk a little more.
I thought that it was difficult, but this is the best way of learn English.
Next class, I hope to be better than last classes.
The didacticism of the teacher is perfect. I liked so much.
I want to learn news words too. Then, that's all. Kisses. :*
Third Class (22/082009)
This second class was very interesting and funny.
I'm enjoying more and more of the classes.
We're practising more the speech than before (on the "INICIANTE B").
I think that the group is getting everything.
The course is being cool.
Fourth Class (29/08/2009)
The Mr. Steve's audio was a little difficult,
but was very funny when I and my partner discover that the information was wrong.
Mrs. Snell had a idea totally different of Mr. Steve.
She's prejudiced and a gossip woman. I hated her.
Fifth Class (05/09/2009)
I've felt good in classes of Adriana Urpia. She's cute and funny.
All classes are important. In this class, 05/09, I felt difficult in pronunciation of some words.
I need to study more, and more, and more, and more, because this is only form to learn.
Sixth Class (12/09/2009)
This class was very good. Two interesting activities: a movie and a dispute (a game).
I and Maiara, my partner, were the winners in the dispute and the teacher gave a chocolate for us.
I'm enjoying the course. I feel good there.
Seventh Class (19/09/2009)
The last Saturday was very different, 'cause we met a new teacher of English.
It's shame on me, because I don't remember her name.
The teacher speaks fast and she's so agitated. I guess that she likes coffee.
She drank so much coffee. I liked her, she's a good teacher.
She teaches very well, but I confess that's better my original teacher, Adriana Urpia, than the other teacher.
My favorite part of house
I love my bedroom.
It's my favorite part of house, 'cause I can to sleep, to write, to dance, to stay in my computer and a lot of good things.
I think that this place is the more important in my house for me.
I wouldn't give for nothing.
The class with the substitute teacher
Trip as a Backpacker!

My Vacation

I met many people, and some of them became great friends. It was all so good, that we want to repeat the experience.
quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2009
For three days, it rained all day and didn't go for beach.
But in fourth day, the sun shone in the sky!
The town is very small, but is very beautiful and the beach is very cozy.
The cooking was fascinating. Very shrimp, crab, fish and seafood.
In last class the teacher didn't go. But the substitute teacher was very crazy! rsrsrs
She started the class with the game because she wanted to wake up the class.
The grammar was very dificult because the subject was very dificult to understand, but didn't understand much.
REMEMBER: This is my folder in the 4shared with grammar and others files.
http://www.4shared.com/dir/9136853/ca7f6dbe/Ingls.html Password: engenharia Good Luck!
Hi, teacher!!!!!
- The lasther class in saturday,with teacher Carol went good, but the teacher Carol speak english very fast.
- I like the activites acheived in class, but I don´t understand more, the present perfect and present simple, is very difficuty, but ok teacher.
My last vacation !!!

On my last vacation my best friends and I went in Rio de Janeiro two month ago. The weather was cold (15ºC), because the season was winter. We didn´t know the city before. So, We visited many tourists places as "Cristo Redentor","Maracanã", "Teatro Municipal", Copacabana´s Beach, museums, restaurants, even other city as Niteroi. This was a best vacation of my life. The Rio de janeiro is realy fantastic!!!
quarta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2009
My Vocation
terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2009

Last summer, I went to Paris, France. I stayed for 1 week at a small hotel. I went out every single day!! I walked through Champs Elyseès, there is a lot of theaters and boutiques. In the beggining of the street there is the Louvre museum, down the street there is the Arc de Triomphe and in the side of Seine river there is the Eiffel tower. The weather was very cold but i think it was the perfect vacation.
segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009
My vocation
Just do not really like when we go to my grandparents house which is located in rural town. I am not very close to contact with weeds even with animals, anyway, do not get much time there.
The Last Class
domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009
Last Class With The Substitute Teacher
In the second part, that play was very exciting, I lost... Lol
My Last Vacation
sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009
Last vacation
the last vacation
the last class
My last vocation!!!
In party served drink and cook, with for instance wine, soda, sandwich, patatos chips.... I like the party, My mother loved a lot, because she gave one cellphone of present. I and my famile and my friend, make photograps, danced a lot, very diverting and fantastic.
happy birthaday for my mother..... good, excelent....
The Last Class
In the first game, everyone running around the classroom was so much funny!!! I ran a lot with Rafael but, in the end was good because we won chocolates and I love chocolate!!

Last class!!!
I has very like of class of english of last saturday. The activites is very interesting and good. I mim fell with more disposition in the class.
I like the activites of conversation and reading in class. GOOD, congratulations Teacher.
My First Post (Finally)
MY FIRST CLASS (15/08/09)
I loved this class!
First, because I reviewed my friends, and second, because I really loved the idea of to learn english through games as the mime's game that was very funny!
MY SECOND CLASS (22/08/09)
The second class was great! The exercise of imagine my neighbor was very interesting....Josh, my rebel neighbor, really bother rehearsing with his punk rock band every day (hehehe)!
The book's exercise also was very interesting and funny because Mrs. Snell had an idea completely wrong about Steve!
I really liked this class.
MY THIRD CLASS (29/08/09)
I liked so much of the third class! I liked of the games that were made, and especially Conceição that revealed be a good ballet dancer.
The favorite part of my house is my bedroom because is where are all my things. There are my bed, my cds, dvds,discs,books and all my old stuff.
quinta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2009
My last vacation
My last travel was fun and at the same time rewarding future as a biologist I am.
Last class
the conversation and audition in english. I have very difficulty
with it. I didn't like run!!!
quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009
Carolina Vasconcelos is the teacher that will be with you the next Saturday. Hope you enjoy the class! Remember to prepare your oral presentation to September 26th. All you have to do is to talk about your last vacation in about 2 minutes. Easy, isn't it? If you don't remember your last vacation or even if you haven't had a vacation for the last few years, INVENT ONE and bring nice pictures to class. A datashow will be available for those who like powerpoint presentations. See you on the 26th.
the last class
segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009
Getting my English better

Last Class!
The games that the teacher make is so good, because incentive each one of us the to study more for a day win, and without to note we are learning a lot more than we waited!
See you on saturday!!!
sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2009
Hi, teacher!!!!!
I like of activites the reading in class, because help the studentsa pronunciation correct of english....very good.
Last Saturday
The game of the think about actions of the others peoples was very crazy (good)
good bye!
CLASS 05/09
quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009
My Favorite room
I like to reed in my bed, to organize my polish nails
and I love to sleep!!
quarta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2009
What's your favorite part of the house?Why?
terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009
Last Class
See you on saturday!!!
domingo, 6 de setembro de 2009
Last Class
What´s your favorite part of the house? Why?
What´s your favorite part of the house? Why?
sábado, 5 de setembro de 2009
United Kingdom X Great Britain
United Kingdom = Great Britain and the northeastern part of Ireland
have a good weekend!
sexta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2009
Mine favorite party in my house...
LAST SATURDAY: I like for your class, but I'm feeling lack in theory!
My favorite place
That's it!
what is you favorit part of the house? why?
class date 22/08/09
class date 15/08/2009
date class 08/08/2009
In saturday 08/29
The last class was very beautiful!! The entertainment was funny!! the game about the text "LIVING IN THE USA" helped to create sentences. I like of the end, when we won candy!
My favourite part of the my house is my bedroom, where I word, I study, I play game and I relax and watch my favourite DVDs. My bedroom is my universe and love to be quiet!!
This is my folder in the 4shared with grammar and others files.
Password: engenharia
Good Luck!
quinta-feira, 3 de setembro de 2009
what is your favourite part of the house? why?
the last class
What's your favorite part of the house?
and all white ,have a curtain wine, one dresser with computer, wardrobe and ventilator.
I like my bedroom, because it is the place where study and i feel happy.
quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009
My bedroom
The walls are blue and white. In the blue wall, on the left, are pictures, ; on the right, are angels (souvenirs of my travel).
My bedroom is clean: a bed, a armchair, a closet and a little table. I don't like to watch tv in the bed.
What's your favorite part of the house? why?
terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2009
Hi, teacher!!!!!
I love stay in my bedroom, he is small but I love.
The Cass the Saturday
segunda-feira, 31 de agosto de 2009
My 4shared
Password: engenharia
Good Luck!
Class Four
Thank you the all for making class so cool.
What's your favorite part of the house? why?
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009
Last class
the last class was very funny. I
liked of gymkhana and sweet
(the consolation prize ).
Bye teacher, see you Saturday.
Good week to all!
A dancer
The last class (Sat, 29 Aug 2009) was very good. Mrs Urpia is a very good teacher. Like this. I'm at home. Believe it or not, I want a dancer...
See you Saturday